Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Superman III


Here's the third of three new paintings which I refer to as the superman trilogy because of the colour scheme. These paintings contain some development work which I'm hoping to carry through in my next series of six larger paintings.

Superman II


Here's the second of three new paintings which I refer to as the superman trilogy because of the colour scheme. These paintings contain some development work which I'm hoping to carry through in my next series of six larger paintings.

Superman I


Here's the first of three new paintings which I refer to as the superman trilogy because of the colour scheme. These paintings contain some development work which I'm hoping to carry through in my next series of six larger paintings.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

50over50 exhibition University of Brighton 2006


The 50over50 exhibition at the University of Brighton Gallery is an exhibition of work produced by people over 50 and as far as that concept goes I found it pointless. Artists over 50 are no different to all other artists of other ages and certainly the work in this exhibition displayed no special characteristics that can be attributed to the age of the artists involved. This whole exhibition smells of a funding concept. Lets think of some way to get/spend some of the money in the honey pot. To be honest I'm not against the spending of the money I just wish it wasn't necessary to have to apply some ridiculous theme to an exhibition in order to get funding for it. That said the artists and their work still deserve some consideration and so it was with interest that I took a look around. I guess I'd say I was a little disappointed, technically most of it is fine but at least 70% of it I've seen before in a hundred shows just like this, nothing very original here.The four pictures here were my highlights, the one above won the shows award, personally I liked Lemoney. The good thing about shows at the University of Brighton Gallery is that they are never too big as the space is not that large so It'll only take you a half an hour to form your own opinion!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Website redux - www.6fish.co.uk

Now that http://www.6fish.co.uk/ is two years old and the style of my painting is changing I decided that although I still like the layout of the site it needed to be refreshed. This website redux has introduced a new colour scheme that more accurately reflects my current style of work. It also introduces a more interactive menu system courtesy of http://www.cssplay.co.uk/. Also on the home page a new latest paintings menu has been introduced also courtesy of cssplay.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

What's on the easel 090706


This is a new trilogy of paintings drawn up and ready to begin painting. They will use the new superman colour scheme. These three paintings have a small amount of development work in them intended to be used in the following series of large paintings.

Babybump II


This is the second of two large paintings produced in this colour scheme. I feel these two paintings are a visual confirmation of what I have been trying to get to for the past two years. They will of course be over-run immediately but for me they are a significant moment in the progression of my work.The baby bump reference comes from the accidental pregnant bump in the middle of the painting. Just a bit of fun nothing more!

Babybump I


This is the first of two large paintings produced in this colour scheme. I feel these two paintings are a visual confirmation of what I have been trying to get to for the past two years. They will of course be over-run immediately but for me they are a significant moment in the progression of my work.The baby bump reference comes from the accidental pregnant bump in the middle of the painting. Just a bit of fun nothing more!



Here is the latest small painting. This is the first painting using the new superman colour scheme (looked superman'ish to me anyway).

Friday, July 7, 2006

Graffiti art in Brighton 2006


Had a walk around town today to look at three different views of graffiti art being displayed in Brighton.The first was an exhibition being held at Brighton University Grand Parade. This was a little stilted in my view and demonstrated as much as anything how this kind of art doesn't translate well to the gallery context. It did however show the clash between this kind of art and the desire to commercialise it, some of the artists here seem to blur the lines between design and illustration and Graffiti.The second was some new work (being produced as I shot it) on Kensington Street. Some very nice work here.The third is a large scale block of work produced by many artists in the New England Quarter as its now called. Lots of good quality stuff and like an art exhibition in the open air so well worth a look on a sunny day.In general some really good work and credit to the council who I presume had to allow permission etc. for it to happen. If I had to critique it I'd say graffiti art doesn't seem to have moved on much from the standards set say 10 years ago but perhaps its not so much about development as continuety. Lots more photos here.