Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I'm struggling away with the new paintings. In a pleasant way, I'm not stuck. The painting I'm currently working on is caught right in the crossfire between my previous series of paintings and all the new work I'm producing (see below). Its a scratched and scarred canvas (not my usual style) that has seen two different paintings come and go. However, I'm almost there and it feels like a real break through and has enabled me to see the world through Cezanne's eyes.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Whats on the easel 201105


Here is the latest shot of the easel. You can see the now reworked version of the painting “before” below, plus a new smaller one. This work is the first to fully come under the “formal expressionism” banner.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Formal Expressionism

Whilst I work on the after state of the painting below (its already changed considerably) I have been able to define my current work a bit more accurately and can now describe it as "formal expressionism". I did some research on Google and Wikipedia and can only find one other artist who has worked in this area, Justin Knowles. His work immediately strikes a cord with what I'm doing, although it is a bit more minimal than mine.

Saturday, November 12, 2005



This is the latest painting in an unfinished state and about to be majorly reworked. I'll post the after when its done.


Haven't actually done much painting just lately, I've reached a pause. I worked particularly hard during the summer and inevitably this has resulted in a period of contemplation as I decide on my next move. On top of that I needed to do some work that actually pays money!

I'm working on some new paintings which are a progression from the work I did during the summer and can best be described as a kind of "formal expressionism". At least thats what I think they'll be as I haven't so far finished one. I'll post some pictures when I have something to show.

Sunday, November 6, 2005


Well, the definition of Expressionism according to Wikipedia matchs the work I am producing. So after some thought I concluded I must be an expressionist. It seems that almost all the great artists I have liked and studied in the past are expressionists of one kind or another. Certainly looking at Kandinsky and Miro (wrongly branded a surrealist in my view) I recognise the thought process. I understand the language. But surely Expressionism (and painting come to that) died with Pollock? In my view abstract expressionism was the last great painting movement and until recently I believed painting died with it. The paintings I am currently producing are my attempt at taking painting on from Rothko and Pollock. I wonder what Pollock would have written on his blog?

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Whats on the wall 051105


These are the current paintings I'm still "looking at". Some are on the 6fish site, most not yet.

Whats on the easel 051105


The Poem is "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas. There are also three small paintings at various stages of completion.


Welcome to my blog, I'm intending to keep this blog focused on my painting and come to that, painting in general. I'm not really interested in what type of toothpaste I use and I'm sure you're not either so this isn't that kind of blog.

Why 6fish? Well its a name I've used for most of my adult life to describe myself artistically (obviously I don't use it in everyday life). I think some people in life have the right to name themselves and for various reasons I believe I'm one of those people.

I consider myself a modern abstract expressionist these days and if you take a look at the 6fish site you'll see a gradual progression towards this in the paintings on there.